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New Deal for Europe

ND4E Petition has been declared admissible and will be discussed by the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament next 20 June, 2016.

On April 20 the Petition New Deal 4 Europe (ND4E) has been declared admissible by the Commitee on Petitions of the European Parliament (EP) and has been sent to the European Commission, which shall give its opinion within next weeks. The Petition will be put on the agenda of the Committee on Petitions, that will open a discussion on it in the presence of MEPs belonging to other Committees, the European Commission and the petition promoters, next 20 June in Bruxelles at the European Parliament.

The impulse provided by Jo Leinen (MEP for the S&D, President of the European Movement International and former President of the EP Constitutional Affairs Committee) has been successful. But this success is mainly due to the large international lineup composed of trade unions, civil society movements, personalities of the political and cultural world and MEPs which the ND4E European Committee has put together.

The imminent conclusion of the work of the Commission on European budget own resources, chaired by Mario Monti, and the review of the Multi-annual Financial Framework scheduled for the end of the year, are opportunities that can allow us to intervene and have an influence on the decisions that are now on the political agenda.


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Présentation de la pétition au Parlement européen

La pétition NewDeal4Europe a été présentée devant la Commission compétente du Parlement le 15 mars 2016, avec le soutien de Jo Leinen, MEP, président du mouvement européen international. Cela a donné l'occasion de débattre avec les eurodéputés, nos représentants, et de mobiliser les représentants de la société civile (voir photos).

Compte-rendu de la réunion au Parlement européen

La pétition a été enregistrée le 21 octobre 2015 et plaide une initiative européenne ambitieuse pour la relance de l'investissement, le développement durable et un budget européen à la mesure des défis actuels.

La Plateforme pour une Europe solidaire

Accès au site web de l'initiative

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Petition to the European Parliament

Sign this petition...



Dear members of the European Parliament who have supported the ECI “New Deal for Europe”,

As you know, last July the European lawmaker has adopted the regulation establishing the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), known as “Juncker Plan”, which should allow to promote a 315 billion private and public investment plan over three years for financing strategic projects across the EU.

The European Committee ND4E which has promoted, with your support, that of National Committees ND4E, numerous personalities, and civil society, trade-union, political, Europeanist and federalist organisations salute this result, which represents a significant step forward towards the relaunch of investments and job creation within the EU.

The European Committee ND4E and several personalities and organisations who have supported the ECI (some of them not having confirmed their commitment yet), are pleased about the improvements made by the EP to the EFSI governance with regard to the initial proposal of the European Commission. We note, however, that the adopted regulation does not include a revision clause allowing the European lawmaker to re-examine the amount of financial resources of the EFSI in case they would be lesser than expected. Moreover, as you know, the European Council has decided to transfer only to Greece a more important sum of money to stimulate job creation.

Taking all this into consideration, the European Committee ND4E, on behalf of its supporters and partners, has decided to send a petition to the EP (please see the annex) asking to draw up a proposal for a revision of the multiannual financial framework of the EU, in order to endow the EFSI with additional own resources coming from the European budget. Such resources could come from a Financial Transaction Tax and/or a tax on polluting emissions and/or the emission by the European institutions of Euro project-bonds. This revision proposal should be submitted to European Assises expected for 2016 on the occasion of the mid-term review of the multiannual financial framework.

The European Committee ND4E, on behalf of its supporters and partners, wishes that the MEPs who have supported the ECI “New Deal for Europe” endorse the petition addressed to the EP (herebelow), as far as it corresponds to a constant claim of the EP for granting new own resources to the European budget (see, among others, the Lamassoure Report voted by the EP in 2007). We note, on the other hand, that granting new own resources to the European budget would be coherent with the recently formulated proposals regarding the strengthening of the economic governance of the Eurozone and the creation of an autonomous budget of the Eurozone.

We thank you in advance for informing us about your personal stance.

The European Committee “New Deal for Europe”

Petition to the European Parliament

A New Deal for Europe

We European citizens,

considering that


European unification has ensured peace for half a century, unprecedented levels of prosperity, consolidation of democracy and has represented a model for the whole planet;


however, owing to the global financial and economic crisis, people's disaffection towards the European project has grown;


the gap between citizens and EU institutions depends mainly on the austerity policies without development, without democratic consent and without equity and on the inability of the EU to speak with one voice in the world and to face the dramatic domestic and international security problems;


the restart of the construction of the European unity needs that consent towards the European project be regained;



the President of the European Commission Juncker, to contribute to bridge the gap between citizens and EU institutions has asserted the need to give priority to growth, competitiveness and job creation;


in an economically integrated Europe with a single currency, national plans are totally inadequate to promote development;


the EU budget, whose amount has been lowered below the threshold of 1% of the European GDP, does not ensure the massive mobilisation of resources which is necessary to stimulate economic development and decent and quality employment;


the 315 billion investment plan over three years proposed by the European Commission can represent an initial answer to the requirements of the campaign “New Deal for Europe” developed in 2014-2015 with a European Citizens' Initiative;


despite the initial signs of recovery after the financial and economic crisis, in 2015 in the EU there are 24 million unemployed, the unemployment rate is 10% and youth unemployment is 21%, while reaching 50% in some member state;


the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) started by the European Commission needs new own resources to promote a New Deal for Europe through the production of European public goods necessary to reach the goal of full employment;


owing to the opposition of a few member states to increase the EU budget own resources, only the Eurozone countries seem willing to endow themselves with an autonomous fiscal capacity and a budget financed by new own resources;



the extraordinary opportunity represented by the Financial Transactions Tax (FTT) – promoted by eleven member states of the Eurozone to increase the EFSI with new public resources to be utilized for investments to the benefit of the cooperating states –, which would oblige those who are responsible of the financial and economic crisis to contribute to repair the damages they have caused and to start a socially and ecologically sustainable development;


that a tax on the carbon dioxide emissions (CT), to be established through enhanced cooperation can represent an additional resource for the member states of the Eurozone, contribute to discourage the use of fossil fuels and to promote renewable energies, which are essential to ensure the continuation of life on the planet within the framework of a just ecological transition;


that the emission of project-bonds can be used to finance investments in European public goods;

We European citizens call upon the European Parliament


to put forward a proposal for the revision of the multiannual financial framework, expected in 2016, asking to increase the EFSI's endowment with additional resources flowing from the above-mentioned taxes and the emission of project-bonds and new EIB bonds which the ECB can purchase within the framework of quantitative easing;


to assign those resources to the EFSI and to destine them to the cooperating states;


to submit this proposal to the approval of an assembly composed by the European Parliament and National Parliaments (Interparliamentary Assises) of interested countries, in order to associate member states in the decisions regarding the distribution of fiscal revenue.


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