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EUstaff4climate : update on activity


Marche pour le climat à Bruxelles - Septembre 2019




Marche pour le climat - Mars 2019


Conférence Pacte Finance-Climat


Conférence Drawdown


Documents utiles :

Informal compilation of recent climate relevant references - Version 1.0 08/12/2023

CONCORDi 2023 conference : A resilient, competitive, fair and sustainable EU: Industrial Innovation for Open Strategic Autonomy

The European Green Deal

Call for a real Green Deal - European call: 3 solutions for climate and jobs

A Green New Deal for Europe – Opportunities and Challenges

A European Green Deal : Striving to be the first climate-neutral continent (EU strategic priority)


Updates and 8th EUstaff4climate Plenary

 Dear EUstaff4climate friends,

 End of October was very busy for EUstaff4climate, and the coming weeks will be even busier! Please mark your calendars for the next plenary which will take place on 29 November at 17.30 (details below). 

·       The 7th plenary meeting discussed in a participatory workshop the draft recommendations of our Working Group on the Institutional Footprint (on reducing emissions from canteens, business trips and buildings): those were then finalized and sent to Commissioners Oettinger and Hahn on 7 Nov. Follow the links to find them and congratulations to all the huge number of people involved!

Ø What can you do now? Use them! Write to your institution or service, and ask to implement actions as of tomorrow!

·       The talk with the British writer and environmental activist George Monbiot (17 Oct, Charlemagne) was a real success! Over 250 EU staff participated, and discussed very lively with Monbiot and a group of EU students the (great) challenges ahead of us. If you have missed it, don't worry, the recording is still available here!

·       A new EUstaff4climate group in Luxembourg was established and already fully active! It held its second meeting on 24 October and discussed a number of issues (bike use, canteen food, car dependency for commuting etc.). Next event will be on Thursday 14 November, 18:00-20:00 (MER 481, Publications Office, 2 rue Mercier), where Dr Andrew Ferrone will give an update on the recent updates on the climate science, followed by a workshop. (Andrew Ferrone is a climatologist and the representative of Luxembourg on the IPCC and the COP25). Information on Connected. Feel free to send us names of people who may be interested in joining it.

·       A lot of colleagues have engaged in a very lively discussion on how the announced European Green Deal could incorporate even bolder ideas. All ideas are now available in Connected and will be shaped into a shorter briefing. They will also serve as a basis to continue and refine our thinking ion the coming weeks/months. Feel free to contribute further (through Connected) if you wish!

·       Commissioner-designate Sinkevicius has invited EUstaff4climate for a meeting. This will take place next Tuesday 12 November, where a delegation from EUstaff4climate will present the group and a number of ideas developed in the discussion on the European Green Deal (more specific to his mandate). We will report to all after the meeting.

·       The next plenary in Brussels will take place on Friday 29 November at 5.30 pm. This time we propose to follow the plenary with a social event (beer or light dinner), please reply yes to the button on top if you want to join both so that we can see how many are interested and find the right format. Agenda, location and details will follow.

Finally, also very relevant for our work: 

·        You may have seen the letter published by 11.000 scientists calling for a climate emergency. This is unfortunately not news for us, but it is useful as a support tool in our discussions and activities.

·       For Commission staff in CNECT, ENV, CLIMA and REGIO, a lunchtime conference Are we doing enough to help the environment? organized by EMAS will take place on Tuesday 12 November in Beaulieu (BU1 VIP room). This is a great occasion to discuss further EUstaff4climate proposals to reduce the footprint of our institutions (and not only).

Looking forward to continue our activities together! 

EUstaff4climate   Monday, November 11, 2019

Marche pour le climat à Bruxelles

La mobilisation pour le climat se poursuit par une manifestation le 20 septembre 2019, alors que le sommet de l'ONU sur le climat est fixé au 23 septembre.

Vendredi 20 septembre 2019 : répondons présent encore une fois, à la mobilisation contre le changement climatique

La question du climat nous concerne toutes et tous, et à plus forte raison nous, employés de la Fonction publique européenne, qui avons un accès à l’expertise, à la connaissance scientifique et une capacité de résister aux lobbies anti-climat. Suite à la mobilisation du 15 mars 2019, plus de 12000 collègues ont signé la pétition lancé par EUstaff4Climat qu’U4U soutient depuis le début. Ces même collègues ont publié leurs analyses dans le numéro 36 de la revue Graspe démontrant amplement les raisons pour lesquelles il faut se mobiliser.

Si l’Union européenne développe la réglementation environnementale et climatique depuis des décennies, aujourd’hui la société européenne attend beaucoup plus d'elle. Cette question du climat nous concerne d'autant plus que cette année où se discute le budget européen, il est encore possible pour l'Union européenne de répondre aux inquiétudes légitimes et aux demandes de la société civile et de la jeunesse. Nous sommes des agents de la Fonction publique européenne, nous sommes citoyennes et citoyens, nous sommes, pour certaines et certains, des parents et des grands parents. Nous sommes donc interpellés à plusieurs titres.

Marchons ensemble pour le climat, et avec toutes celles et ceux qui aujourd’hui les rejoignent.

La question de la lutte contre le changement climatique doit être menée à l’échelle européenne, car c’est à cette échelle que nous pourrons y répondre le plus efficacement et le plus solidairement possible. Si chacune et chacun peut faire quelque chose à son niveau individuel ou collectif, depuis notre position, nous sommes bien placés pour faire évoluer la politique climatique.

Marchons pour que l’Europe prenne à bras le corps la question du défi climatique et de ses conséquences. Mobilisons-nous ! U4U défilera dans le cortège qui s’organise à Bruxelles le 20 septembre prochain et appelle tous les collègues et les organisations syndicales à faire de même : le lieu de rassemblement pour la Fonction publique européenne, 13h, sur la Place Charles ROGIER, devant le N°16

Friday, September 20, 2019: Let's join once again the mobilization against climate change

The question of climate concerns us all, and all the more so we, employees of the European civil service, who have access to expertise, scientific knowledge and ability to resist climate lobbies. Following the March 15, 2019, more than 12,000 colleagues signed the petition launched by EUstaff4Climat that U4U has supported since the beginning. These same colleagues published their analyzes in the number 36 of the review Graspe amply demonstrating the reasons for which we must mobilize.

If the European Union has been developing environmental and climate regulation for decades, today the European society expects much more from it. This climate issue concerns us all the more because this year when the European budget is being debated, it is still possible for the European Union to respond to the legitimate concerns and demands of civil society and youth. We are agents of the European Public Service, we are citizens, we are, for some, parents and grandparents. We are therefore challenged in many ways.

Let's walk together for the climate, and with all those who today join them.

The question of the fight against climate change must be tackled on a European scale, because it is at this scale that we will be able to respond to it as effectively and as jointly as possible. If everyone can do something individually or collectively, from our position we are well placed to change climate policy.

Let's walk for Europe to tackle the issue of the climate challenge and its consequences. Let's mobilize! U4U will be in the procession which is organized in Brussels on 20 September and calls on all colleagues and trade unions to do the same: the meeting place for the European Civil Service, 13hrs, in Place Charles ROGIER, in front of the N 16.


Rendez-vous le 20 Septembre, à 13h, sur l'esplanade du bâtiment Covent Garden (COVE), métro Rogier (à gauche de la canopée en regardant vers la Gare du Nord).


Are you concerned about climate change ?

Are you concerned about biodiversity loss ?

Do you believe that the EU can lead the way to a fair and sustainable transition ?


This initiative was developed by over 60 colleagues from different services who feel seriously concerned about the unprecedented challenges we are facing.

Help us disseminate !


Forward this email and invite at least 5 colleagues from all EU institutions to sign


Share our Facebook and Twitter posts


Advertise the petition on your internal intranet and display the poster in your building

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EUstaff4climate is a new bottom-up initiative set up by a number of colleagues from different EU institutions who are seriously concerned about climate change and of the future of our children. It was initiated in connection with the 15 March Climate Strike to show solidarity with the young people, and it managed to gather for that occasion over 100 officers to march together.

EUstaff4climate is now moving to the next step: what can EU staff do on a regular basis for the climate cause? We invite all of you to join our discussion on our vision, objectives and future actions, see agenda attached.

Thanks to all for your contribution and feel free to share with other colleagues, every drop counts!

March 2019

From the experts...

(June 2019)

Dossier spécial GRASPE : EuStaff4Climate : Climate and Ecological Emergency

Further reading : Climate Change and Land
An IPCC Special Report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems (Aug 2019)

Marche pour le climat - Mars 2019

Les photos de la manifestation

Vendredi 15 mars 2019, à l’appel des « Jeunes pour le climat », le Monde et l’Europe se mobilisent

La question du climat n’est pas celle de la seule jeunesse. Elle nous concerne toutes et tous, et à plus forte raison nous, employés de la Fonction publique européenne, qui avons un accès à l’expertise et à la connaissance scientifique et une capacité de résister aux lobbies anti-climat.

Si l’Union européenne développe la réglementation environnementale et climatique depuis des décennies, aujourd’hui la jeunesse européenne attend beaucoup plus d'elle.

Cette question du climat nous concerne d'autant plus qu'en cette année d'élections européennes, cette année où se discute le budget européen, il est encore possible pour l'Union européenne de répondre aux inquiétudes légitimes et aux demandes de sa jeunesse.

Nous sommes des agents de la Fonction publique européenne, nous sommes citoyennes et citoyens et nous sommes, pour certaines et certains, des parents et des grands parents. Nous sommes donc interpellés à plusieurs titres.

Marchons ensemble avec les jeunes pour le climat, et avec tous celles et ceux qui aujourd’hui les rejoignent.

La question de la lutte contre le changement climatique doit être menée à l’échelle européenne, car c’est à cette échelle que nous pourrons y répondre le plus efficacement et le plus solidairement possible. Si chacune et chacun peut faire quelque chose à son niveau individuel ou collectif, depuis notre position, nous sommes bien placés pour faire évoluer la politique climatique.

Marchons pour que l’Europe prenne à bras le corps la question du défi climatique et de ses conséquences. Mobilisons-nous !

U4U défilera dans le cortège qui s’organise à Bruxelles le 15 mars prochain et appelle tous les collègues à le rejoindre.

U4U appelle les collègues à se joindre au cortège: lieu de rassemblement pour la Fonction publique européenne, 12h30, sur la Place Charles ROGIER, devant le N°16

U4U appelle tous les collègues, où qu’ils soient en Europe ou en délégation, à exprimer leur soutien : nous vous invitons à nous envoyer par boîte email des photos de vous soutenant cette action.

On Friday the 15th of March, the world and Europe will stand with young people for the climate

Climate change is not just an issue that affects the youth. It concerns each and every single one of us, especially us, as employees of the European Civil Service, who have access to the expertise and scientific knowledge that allow us resist lobbies against the fight for the climate.

Despite the environmental and climate regulations implemented by the European Union over the last few decades, the Youth of today’s Europe demand more.

The issue of climate change is especially momentous this year with the upcoming European elections, a year the European budget will be discussed too. It is still possible for the European Union to respond to the legitimate concerns and demands of its young people.

We are European Civil Servants, we are citizens, and many of us are parents and grand-parents. We are therefore challenged in many ways.

Let’s march together with our young people, and with all others who will join them, for the climate.

The fight against climate change must be addressed at a European level, because only at this level can we address the issue and respond to it in the most efficient and unified manner possible. With the positions we hold, if each us endeavours to take action, individually or collectively, we will be well positioned to influence environmental policies.

Let’s march to encourage Europe to tackle the issue of climate change and its consequences! It’s our time to act!

U4U will be marching at the demonstration which is being organised in Brussels on the 15th of March. We invite all of our colleagues to join us.

U4U calls all European staff members to join us at 12h30, Place Charles ROGIER, in front of n° 16

U4U calls on all of our colleagues to show us your support, wherever you are in Europe or the world: email us a photo showing what you are doing to support the movement.


A Call for Solidarity with our Youth:

March for the Future on Friday 15 March 2019

The schoolchildren of Belgium, united under the name “Youth for Climate”, have made international headlines with their weekly demonstrations demanding bold political action to fight climate change.

Together with youth groups in over 50 countries, they have announced a March for the Future on Friday 15 March. In Brussels, they will assemble at the North Station at 10.30hrs and march through the city center to the South Station.

The citizen movement Rise for Climate in collaboration with Youth for Climate will organize a rally at the end of the march, on the Esplanade de l’Europe from 12 noon to 16.00. Rise for Climate Belgium is a grassroots, nonpartisan citizen movement that has organized monthly demonstrations in front of the European Parliament from September to November 2018, as well as the march on 27 January which attracted over 70.000 people).

Rise for Climate is advocating for strong climate policy measures to be taken at European level. We have had fruitful meetings and correspondence with high-level officials of the European Commission, Parliament, Council, and Committee of the Regions. We have received confirmation from the office of Donald Tusk that he has agreed to put climate change on the agenda of the upcoming European Council summit on 21-22 March. The rally on 15 March will therefore send a timely message to EU heads of state and government that their constituents expect firm commitments and not empty promises to result from this summit. From our discussions with MEPs and EU officials we have learned that the extraordinary mobilization of citizens and students in Belgium has had a powerful impact throughout the institutions. Far from disapproving of it, they welcome this widely publicized demonstration of “people power” as it provides them the mandate they need to defend bold policy measures against the lobbyists and defenders of the status quo who are pulling all the stops to block them.

5 March 2019

Kim Slama et Georges Vlandas

Georges Vlandas et Patrice Grosjean


Conférence Pacte Finance-Climat

Projet de traité

TRAITÉ INSTITUANT UNE UNION POUR LE CLIMAT ET LA BIODIVERSITÉ prévoyant la création d’une Banque européenne du climat et de la biodiversité et d’un Fonds européen du climat et biodiversité

Conférence Drawdown


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